The other day, someone told me something that I thought, "Wow, that's really good," but then I just forgot about it and it didn't affect my life at all. Well, God was still trying to get my attention so He, yet again, laid it on my heart. I just love how God cares so much that when He tells us something that we just don't quite understand, He tells us again, even more obviously. What God wanted to tell me was that even if I have no clue where I'm going, I need to keep moving, because if I'm at least moving, God can direct me. When I'm just standing still, I can't ever find direction; I need to just pick a direction and keep moving!
When He told me that the other day, it dawned on me that He had tried speaking to me through someone else just the other day, and I had ignored it! I am so thankful that God gave me a second chance to listen. Later that week, God also put the phrase, "Never Cease" in my head. I think that that's the perfect phrase for where I need to be in my life right now.
So, anyone reading this, I want to encourage you to Never Cease. Even if you don't know what you're doing or where you're going, just keep moving. When things are tough and you feel like you can't keep going, still, Never Cease. God will be with you, and if you keep moving, He will make sure you're directed towards the right path. He loves you and will never leave nor forsake you. So, Never Cease!!