Well, I've been thinking lately how truly blessed I am to have so many amazing people in my life. I thank God so much for the people that he has so carefully placed into my life, even if we may have only crossed paths for a short time. There are people in this world who I have just connected with right away, people who I have grown up with, people who I admire, people who have always been there, and people who I just love! It just amazes me that God has picked those people to be in my life for a reason, whether it was for them to encourage me, or for me to encourage them, and whether it is just someone who I admire and aspire to be like in certain ways.
The people around you really do shape the person you will become in so many ways, and I'm glad to have so many amazing people to help with that! Also, with some of the younger girls, whom I completely adore, I want to be someone who they look up to as well.
My church family has been one of the greatest influences in my life. Honestly, I don't know where I would be, or even who I would be, if it weren't for all the amazing people there. My pastors and their wives have been great role models to me; I admire their strength, ability to love, and their wonderful personalities. There are also so many selfless, kind, and loving families and individuals in my church, I couldn't even name them all! I really admire their heart of giving, and hope that I can continue to live my life in the same manner. My youth group is completely amazing in every way. I love Cory and Angie and their kids to death! They mean the world to me. The leaders are so much fun and great people all around. My church is just completly amazing!
Although this may sound a little cheesy, another group of people who have really influenced me and whom I admire have been my teachers. I have had so many great teachers in my life, some who have encouraged me in what I do, who are always cheerful and fun, and who I admire because of everything they do for the students and the school. I really have some amazing teachers who I really look up to. I love the relationship I have with all of my teachers; they're great!
My family has had it's ups and downs, but I love them! There are also some people who I don't know that well, but I still look up to and think are wonderful! I have met many people who have impacted my life, even though I may not see them very much, or maybe haven't seen again. There are also people who I haven't seen in a while, but I still think about and thank the Lord that they came into my life.
The point is, God has blessed me beyond anything I could imagine! How could I ever think I have little, when all around me there are people who love me, and who I love. The people in my life mean so much more to me than the material things. I have first of all God, and my family, friends, teachers, and church family, and that is all I need! Thank you so much for everyone who has impacted my life in some way! There were so many people I could have tagged in this, but apparantley there is a tag limit, so you know who you are!! I Love You All!!!
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