28 December 2010


Day 3:4EP
I am incredibly thankful for being able to go to North Central University, and I'm especially thankful for the amazing floor that I've been put on! I couldn't have asked for better floor leadership or a better group of girls. At first, I must admit, I was a little worried about living with so many girls. I had never shared a room in my life, and I had only ever lived with brothers. But, I have loved every minute being on my floor, 4 East Phillipps. We have bonded so well as a floor; there seems to be a lot of unity. I love how we can all hang out as a big group, but we can also hang out with each other one-on-one. I have really connected with the girls, and I am so thankful for that. I have made some very close friendships in such a short amount of time, and it's been great. I know that I can always go to anyone on my floor if I need anything. 

4EP means a lot to me. It is a place where I feel loved and accepted. I feel comfortable and I feel at home when I'm there. It is so nice to leave home, only to come to a place where I also feel home. We've had so many great memories! Like that one time we walked to Applebees, and on our way home it started pouring rain and we were all drenched! Or all the random dance parties and music videos we've made. Or how there's always, at least in one of the suites, a movie playing, sometimes multiple movies in a day. Or the times that we've had deep conversations or even the times we've had hilarious conversations. It was a blast staying up late and decorating our floor together for Christmas, and I also loved the time when some of us snuck into Ariel's room and piled onto her bed so she could read us a bedtime story. But I also love how when any of us is having a bad day or a tough time, we can all gather together and pray and comfort them. I am lucky to have a group of people to surround me in love and to lift me up in the times when I need it.

I'm just sooo blessed to know all the amazing girls on 4EP! They all mean so much to me, and I thank God for placing them in my life.

I love you girls! ♥

I thank my God every time I remember you. -- Philippians 1:3

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