01 January 2011

Thankfulness:Winter Breaks

Well, I've been away from my computer for several days and haven't had a chance to blog.  However, I have thought of something to be thankful for each day despite not blogging about it, so I will blog about them now. :) Don't worry, I'm not giving up on this yet!

Day 4: Winter Breaks December 29
It's been so nice to have a break from school. I was able to come back home to Austin and see my family and friends. The holiday season also made this break so much fun. I love being able to relax for a couple weeks and do all the fun little things I love to do, but never have time to do such as knitting/crocheting, reading, watching tv, and cooking/baking. 

This break has was longer than most breaks since it was a break from college instead of high school. So, for the first week home, I was able to have the majority of the weekdays alone because my parents were working and my brothers were still in school.  As much as I like to hang out with my family and friends, it is very nice to have some alone time.  During this time I got to sleep in, make coffee, spend quiet time in my devotions, and clean around the house a little.  I love relaxed days by myself!  

On this particular Wednesday, I was very thankful for breaks because I was able to see and have a coffee date with two of my friends from high school, one of them being a foreign exchange student who now attends school in Baltimore.  It was so nice to be able to catch up.  

I am so thankful for the time I have had off to spend with family and friends as well as to rejuvenate myself from the stressfulness that comes with homework and college life.  I am thankful for my college experience and the time away from Austin that makes coming home so rewarding.


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